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Pilgrimage to Enlightenment group cov 3.
  • Writer's picturevincentrsimone

How about a cool Ice Float?

Pilgrimage to Enlightenment - Filming Day #3 - Update.

A bunch of you had asked about seeing some of the images we captured over the weekend.

Big wins on Saturday! It was actually only a day to get out on the lake to see if the Ice Sheet we created would float and it did. We were so excited that we went ahead and took some test footage to see how it might look underwater below the ice sheet. I think it looks fantastic in black and white. It's raw footage, basically a collection of clips with no enhancements.

So you're probably wondering what shooting a scene below the ice has to do with a film to raise awareness for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease which will take place 100 miles from the Sahara Desert predominantly under the hot Sicilian sun?

The opening scene is the only recreation in the entire documentary and it sets the message for the entire film. If little 8 year old "me" can problem solve something to this scale under this kind of pressure, maybe together we can all put our heads together and become a part of the force which will go on to save our family and friends from these diseases.

"Even on your last breath and with one minute left in life, it doesn't have to end this way. You can change the ending. I'm living proof of it."

World up, Enzo

Please feel free to share this and help us get the word out about this new Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Awareness Movie currently in production. Take the journey with us and watch it every step of the way as we follow our teammates efforts to conquer these diseases on 3 continents.

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