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Pilgrimage to Enlightenment group cov 3.
  • Writer's picturevincentrsimone

Building Ice

One of the goals of the "Pilgrimage to Enlightenment" movie is to build advocates. Luke and I want you to come watch it then reflect on what you see. Mark my words, this movie will change you. We want you to go home adrenalized, then the following morning to wake up feeling power and confidence in your efforts as an advocate. We want you to feel as though even if you had to walk onto the battlefield alone to face whatever army might come riding over the would do it and you wouldn't think twice about it. Your family and friends are counting on you to save the day...and you can count on yourself to make it happen.

In sickness or in health be confident, self reliant, driven to succeed and move with conviction. You don't need to know your next step or even how to make it but be willing to go through with it knowing that stand or fall you're giving it 110%.

This film is going to be a journey 17 years in the making and it will focus on the most driven Alzheimer's and Parkinson's advocates I have come to know. Some are beginning and some are Masters but regardless they entered the arena to fight for the cause without a map or a guide book and each has had to teach themselves the way.

In that spirit Luke and I are doing many things we've never done before in the great effort to make this movie for you. There's a first time for everything and this is a big one.

This week I taught myself how to create synthetic ice for the opening scene of the film. I can't wait to film this scene. It will take 3 days over the next 7 months to get it right but it's going to be an absolutely amazing opening scene. We're getting a headstart shooting this re-creation of an old memory. It's all icy, some real and some handmade, but all so good!

So, you're probably wondering what does a frozen scene below the ice have to do with a team of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Advocates making a pilgrimage through the scorching heat of Sicily. I'm sworn to secrecy. Until the film is done or you know the story behind it, I can't tell you anymore.

I'm excited and I can't wait to sit in a theater and watch it with you all.

World up, Enzo

Building ice by hand.

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